Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the dress code?

Our wedding has a black tie preferred dress code. This means wearing black suits, tuxedos, or midi to full-length dresses.

What’s the easiest way to get to and from the venue?

We've made transportation arrangements between the Ashford Estate and the Hilton Garden Inn. Shuttles will be operating both before the ceremony starts, beginning at 4:30pm, and towards the conclusion of the reception (and through the after party). Shuttle times will be available closer to the date. For those who prefer to drive, the venue offers ample parking. Please note that if any vehicles are left overnight, they must be picked up by 11 am the following morning.

Can I bring children?

We love your little ones as much as we love you, but we kindly ask that you make arrangements to leave the kids at home so you can celebrate with us.

Are there other events I should know about around the wedding?

There will be an after party following the reception at the Ashford Estate for those who want to keep the celebration going. We will also be hosting a farewell breakfast at the Hilton Garden Inn on May 4th, from 9 - 11 AM, the morning after the wedding.